Ad Light Group | Roth Living | ADA, Glass, Illuminated
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  • Exterior architectural sunscreen with vinyl address numbers at Roth Living showroom in Denver
  • Exterior illuminated signs Wolf, Sub Zero, Cove at Roth Living showroom in Denver
  • Exterior address numbers by entrance at Roth Living showroom in Denver
  • Stone garden sign with address at Roth Living showroom in Denver
  • Interior glass restroom sign at Roth Living showroom in Denver

Roth Living

Roth Living Showroom in Denver is located off South Broadway, near I-25. The high-end gallery features Sub-Zero, Wolf, and Cove appliances. The building’s exterior signs are illuminated to attract customers in the property’s high trafficked location. The interior features glass ADA signs backed with a custom digital print featuring Roth Living’s logo. The team also assisted with the technical installation of a custom steel sunscreen which displays the property’s address numbers created with vinyl graphics. Ad Light Group was contracted by Shaw Construction to build and install the sign package designed by Arch 11.


February 22, 2021


ADA, Glass, Illuminated, Murals & Supergraphics