Ad Light Group | Lone Tree Arts Center | Monument
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  • Lone Tree Arts Center monument sign in daylight
  • Lone Tree Arts Center monument sign close up
  • Lone Tree Arts Center monument sign view from parking lot
  • Lone Tree Arts Center monument sign night time

Lone Tree Arts Center

The Lone Tree Arts Center, a performing arts venue located south of Denver, produces its own shows and hosts national and international performances. Ad Light Group was contracted by the City of Lone Tree to fabricate and install a monument sign for the property. The double-faced monument sign features an illuminated cabinet, stone detail, and reverse pan channel (internally illuminated) graphics and letters. The monument completion required collaboration with multiple companies to complete the unique property identifier, including landscape, electrical and masonry partners. Ad Light Group fabricated and installed the sign designed by Tacito Design.


February 15, 2021


Illuminated, Monument